Dapet dari Milis kalo pendaftaran buat pemilih dah dibuka...
Pendaftaran online bisa ke http://www.pplnsingapura.site40.net/
Hehe masi inget dulu dateng ke KBRI buat milih Presiden RI...wah itu dah taon berapa ya??
Dear Friend, Imagine with me a little scenario... It's 7 AM and the doorbell rings. Your spouse shuffles to the door, opens it wide and says... “Honey? Some guys are here and they want to talk with you...” You stumble out of bed, shaking your head and thinking, “Who could be stopping by at this hour?” Pulling on a bathrobe, you slowly make your way into the kitchen......and you can't believe what you're seeing..
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Wuih, harus kah mendaftar? ribet gk sih? wah wah.. bingung jg :D
yg mau dicoblos aj gk tau sapa aj :D
makasih infonya :)