- After so long attended "Youth" cell where most of the times you are the oldest, being called "CICI" forrr sooooooo long, now I am the youngest among all the ladies :) don't know whether should feel proud or not haha. Btw, they are all homogeneous cells meaning, man will group with man, ladies with ladies...
- All the conversation in english..and sometimes I got a hard time to find the translation for words that we are so used too in Bahasa....for example: 7 is the .... number (dalam hati ngomong: angka sempurna.....so what is the english....tradaaa....Perfect number as simple as that, but take me few seconds to think and say it....) another test...Encounter retreat we learn about ..... (sekali lagi dalam hati bilang: hati bapa, pemulihan gambar diri, lepas dari ikatan dosa, gambar diri yg rusak...) oo bahasa inggrisnya apaa.........Father's heart, restoration of self image and fullstop...dah pusink mikirin yg lain :S
- as a new comer among a big group, it is inevitable you will feel a bit out of place...I can tell they have been clicked well since they have been together for past few years, so i guess I just need to be patient and learn to mingle well with them...Sometimes I still miss my friends in youth haiz......
- Pray in ENGLISH...hoho....luckily I have not been arrowed to do that last night, but I think it is just a matter of time...Hua...I need to polish my vocabulary for praying in english....
yah begitulah ceritanya...bener2 dalam masa transisi dan adaptasi....not easy but I really hope I can settle well and charge up back to serve my Lord....
haha, ci wid keren juga inggrisnya :D
wow.. mantep c.. :D
wah kaga lah..ada juga belepotan ngomongnya...haha
belepotan bahasa inggrisnya apa c?? :D
belepotan : cannot stand ah !!!
belepotan ya...messy? hahaha...tauk ah...