Have not gotten any chance to look for this book, but from what I "wiki", here is the main points of difference of Men and Women (You be the jugde on whether these are true enough!)
The point system
Gray suggests that men and women count (or score) the giving and receiving of love differently. For men, they tend to give larger blocks of points (20, 30, 40 points etc.) whereas for women they give each act of love one point at a time.
Example: A man might count a $200 present as 20 points, but a woman will count each individual piece of the present as 1 point each. For her, the total sum of points comes from the present as a whole. For example, the different parts of the environment where the present is given each get 1 point (candles, music, privacy, location etc.) the card gets 1 point, the flowers get 1 point, the gift wrap gets 1 point and the gift itself gets 1 point. Their totals may even out to be the same, but it's the act of scoring that is different.
My opinion: Strongly AGREE haha
The cave and the wave
Another major point of Gray's books are the differences in the way they react under stress. He believes that many men withdraw until they find a solution to the problem. He refers to this as "retreating into their cave." In some cases they may literally retreat, for example, to the garage or spend time with friends. This has historically been hard for women to understand because when they are stressed their natural reaction is to talk about issues in order to find a solution.
My opinion: True for certain cases
Well, that's as much of what Wiki has provide ..to get more details, gotta grab the book..
haha i agree to both...
terus donk wid.. lanjutin haha..
gw ada bukunya tapi blm baca nich..
gimana gua pinjem buku loe biar bisa lanjutin topiknya hahha
lucuu.. ahahha.. baca donkk kaliann.. trush ringkasinnn d blog.. HAHAHAH..
*ketauann.. malash baca.. ahahha