padahal dulu gua "cinta" mati ama kerjaan gua,
I can feel the excitement in getting the job done, good colleagues, good complain
Sekarang, i feel so stuck, i'm not optimizing my skill or my potential.
Hari hari dilewati cuman for the sake of setor muka..bosannnnnnnn
cuman ada 1 project in hand yg keliatan bisa diharapkan...dah ngomong ama boss,minta kerjaan lebih (jarang2 kan orang minta kerjaan), tapi yah dia he-eh he-eh aja...duhhhhh
i have tried to hang on there..thinking of this weird feeling will go away after sometime
but somehow, it become worse
It is only me? or yg lain sebenernya juga berpura2 sibuk??
ga tau deh, been praying so that God give me the passion in doing the job.
that He open way for me.....
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